Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Dutch

What a shame. The U.S. has always had a great working relationship with the Dutch.
NASA has worked very well with the Dutch on space programs and, the exchange has always been beneficial for both countries. This President did not have the confidence of NASA from the beginning because of his vocal campaign regarding downsizing and cutting back of the space program. This move sounds very much like his administration. Very unfortunate. I am sure the American voters will make a decision next election regarding our current leadership and, whether his performance is indicative of the views of our country. Thank you Sarah Palin for bringing these issues to the American people for evaluation! Joan D. Towles

1 comment:

  1. The army grows. Welcome to the blogosphere my fellow Palinista! We get stronger everyday as more and more Americans see how Sarah is working to save America. We are her army and we have been fighting for her since she was selected to be John McCain's running mate.

    We have been through left wing smears and sabotage plans like Troopergate, the frivolous ethics violations which led to her resignation and the magazine articles that have been lying about her ever since.

    America used to be a shining city on a hill. When Ronald Reagan was president, we rocked as a nation. We were strong militarily and economically. Today, we whither under the weight of Barack Obama.

    We will return to that shining city on a hill. Sarah Palin will lead us there. We must fight for her if it is to be made so.
